Frequently Asked Questions


Have a question about what we offer? Here are a few of our most popular FAQs. 

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How long have you been working in the industry?

I've been working in communications, media/TV, gaming, advertising & marketing for over 20-years with a specialization in digital and physical touch points.

how long does a typical consultation last?

The purpose of the consultation is to establish a working business relationship and to understand your company's needs. Because each situation is unique the time required is dependent on the task. The time limit will be set prior to the meeting after the client has filled out and submitted the appropriate initial consultation form. 

how long does a typical campaign last?

Each project and client will help to inform the need, size and  length of the request. Once I've determined the specific needs,  the campaign timeline will be agreed upon by both the client and the firm.

how do you incorporate social into your project plans?

Social is an important component to any company and having a clear and concise plan for deployment of content that is timely and relevant to your audience is key. I'll work with your social curators to craft content that truly speaks to your objectives. Or if you prefer, I'll help you get set up with the tools you need to begin a great social ecosystem.

What is the cost for your services?

There are two sets of service pricing structures: set-pricing and negotiated pricing. These cost-structures vary on services requested and are at the discretion of the firm and agreed upon between the firm and the client. Please see the pricing + services page for more information. 

How are payments remitted?

Clients are sent a statement of work (SOW) for services to be agreed upon and signed before any project work is executed. Within the SOW and client contract, all  invoices will be sent via a pre-determined cadence. You can remit payments via our payments page.

are you able to travel?

Yes, provided an agreed upon schedule is set, travel can usually be accommodated.  When travel cannot be accomplished, digital communications like Skype and other video and audio conferencing systems will be suggested for use. 

what happens during a discovery Workshop?

During a discovery workshop, (based off of the initial consultation and with previously-provided client information) we will sit down and work through some key questions*:

  • What are your goals?

  • Why are we doing this, what do you think you need?

  • What are the KPI’s?

  • What does success look like to you?

  • How will it help your bottom line? What do you need to accomplish?

  • What messaging and content do you have to support your efforts? Do you need it?

  • Do you have a messaging plan?

  • What will this look like to the customer?

*Questions are based of of individual client intake queries and are customized as such. The questions listed are for example only.